Oraldene Gargle/Mouthwash Medicated Relief For Mouth & Throat Infections


The mouthwash contains hexetidine, which is an antibacterial and antifungal and is used to help treat throat and mouth infections, including mouth ulcers, thrush, sore or bleeding gums (called gingivitis), bad breath (halitosis) or sore throat. It can also be used before and after dental surgery to help prevent infections

How To Use:

Always use this medicine exactly as described in this leaflet or as your doctor, pharmacist or nurse have told you. Check with your doctor, pharmacist or nurse if you are not sure. Check the table below to see how much medicine to use.

Oraldene is for topical use only, which means that it should not be swallowed or taken internally.

  •  Dose for Adults and children aged 6 years and over Rinse mouth or gargle with at least 15 ml (about 1 tablespoon) of solution two to three times a day or as otherwise directed. 
  • Do not dilute.
  • Do not swallow but spit out after use.
  • An adult should supervise use in children.


  • Please read patient information leaflet before using.
  • Oraldene is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.

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