For nearly 20 months we have all been following HSE and Government Guidelines regarding Covid19 to help reduce the spread of the virus. While the the country opens up, we must not let our guard down. Our efforts to follow the guidelines are as important as ever before as we enter the Flu Season and add coughs and colds to the mix.
So, what can you do?
Now is a good time to recheck you hand washing technique and to remember to sanitise with alcohol gel when soap and water is not a available. We might be getting tired of it, but the bugs have not gone away!
Did you know that nearly 80% of sickness is caused by germs spread via hands? Saniting can kill up 99% of germs present. Flu germs can spread an entire day before symptoms begin so frequent sanitising is key!

Immune System
A healthy immune system can build your body up for success in defeating invading disease-causing germs such as bacteria and viruses. A strong immune system is essential in protecting your body against the Flu and Covid19
Healthy Diet is a big help to boosting your immune system.
Vitamin C helps your white blood cells function more effectively and strengthening your skin's defence system. Vitamin C is best found in Fruit and Vegetables as well as food supplements.
Vitamin E & A are powerful antioxidants that helps your body fight off infections. Vitamin E can be found naturally in high-fat plant foods such as Almonds, Peanuts and Sunflower Seeds, etc. While Vitamin A can been found in common foods such as liver, fish oils, leafy green vegetables , orange and yellow vegetables, etc
Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for helping boost your immune system. Known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is found in from sunlight exposure. In winter, Sunlight is reduced and so it is important that we find alternatives. Food alternatives may be Salmon, Tuna, Sardines, fortified milk, orange juice and cereals.
Selenium & Zinc are minerals that are powerful components in our immune system. Selenium helps to prevent infection and can be found in foods such as seafood, meat/liver, poultry and cottage cheese etc. Zinc is needed for the production of new immune system cells. Zinc can be found best in meat, shellfish, legumes like cheapeas, lentils and beans.
To insure you are the right nutrients for your immune system, you can check out our range of Immune Support Supplements here
Flu Vaccine
What to ensure further protection this Flu Season?
Rosscarbery Pharmacy are now offering the flu vaccine for children 2-17 years old, those 18-64 years old and those 65+ years old. Call 083 - 4397126 today to book.